Manga One Piece

Oda VS GOda

Are you a true fan of One Piece? Probably not.

The internet is full of arguments, big and small. Mostly unimportant. One such argument is between fellow fans of One Piece. Superfans, I call GOdas (God + Oda) are nothing new. The guys and gals who obsess over something to the point where loving something means loving every single thing about it. Maybe it’s because I hold One Piece fans to a higher standard and I love it so much but these GOdas have got to calm the hell down! Here’s a GOda post in response to people complaining about the end of chapter 742.

People who are complaining about how Sugar was defeated – you clearly think you’ve been reading a completely different manga. Go home and stop whining like little bitches :I

Enjoy One Piece for years but if you criticize anything about it you aren’t a real fan. Don’t like something in an over seven hundred chapter story? Sorry, you’ve been wasting your time and money. Stop now and get out while you can.

Get a grip, people! Everyone isn’t going to like every chapter, every character, and every scene in One Piece. That doesn’t make them any less a fan than you.

By Redgeek

A geek talking about stuff he likes.

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