Manga My Hero Academia

Here, Have Another [My Hero Academia 415]

Whoever said fighting never solves anything never read a Shonen manga.

More fighting, Y’all. The 2nd One For All User, Kudo, damaged Shigaraki’s psyche/opened his heart/pierced his soul. I’m not really sure anymore. In any case, En, the 6th OFA User managed to damage Master Hand Shiggy this chapter. Okay… Work.

A typical BetterHelp session
Manga One Piece

May I Have Your Attention Please? [One Piece 1108]

If you’re reading this, it means that I am dead.

Dead tired, that is! What a busy week he had! Oh, and Dr. Vegapunk: Stella Edition is dead. For real dead. Real/Fake Dead. Fictional Dead. You know what I mean. In any case, Dr. Vegapunk was smart enough to come up with a plan to stick it to the World Government if he did indeed die. And it looks like that plan involves broadcasting a pre-recorded Ted Talk revealing everything he knows about the history of the world. And, also how to overcome stage fright, but let’s focus on the former, shall we?

“And the truth is… all of the One Piece movies are canon and I can prove it!!!”
Manga One Piece

Saturn Seeing Stars [One Piece 1107]

The old spider bastard can’t go one chapter without getting his head smashed in.

And, yet I bet when he starts getting desperate is when the crap will truly hit the fan. Can’t you see, fellow fans, that things are going too smoothly for our heroes? Pacifistas and the Giant Pirates are destroying Navy ships left and right, Luffy’s at full power, and Bonny’s been rescued. Sure, Dr. Vegapunk Stella is dying, but we don’t know if it’ll actually happen. This is One Piece after all. The odds are good VP Stella’s surviving, somehow. So… Where’s the tension? Where’s the conflict? One word: Saint Saturn.

I’m telling, Y’all. He’s gonna go ham at some point and turn the tables on this whole arc. I’m putting my reputation on it. All 2¢ worth. Defense. Defense. Defense. That’s what Saturn’s been mostly doing. Once he switches tactics you watch out Luffy!

If one more person punches Saturn in the face, he gets a free MRI scan and lollypop!

How the hell did Sanji stop Kizaru’s laser attack? And don’t say “love”. Like rapping unicorns on ice skates, I refuse to believe that’s the answer to anything in life I’m looking for. Maybe Sanji’s genetically altered body adapted to Kizaru’s lasers? Sure, let’s go with that for now. Whatever happened, it gives Sanji the ability to fight Kizaru, freeing Luffy to fight Saturn. See? It all makes sense! The voices in my head are right this time.

Manga My Hero Academia

RamBro: First Blood Quirk II [My Hero Academia 414]

Deku wants to stick it to da man.

Time to test out the ramming quirks at Shigaraki theory. And, guess what? It worked! I guess opening up Shiggy’s vulnerable side also opened up his memories to Deku, who in turn, has his memories revealed to Shiggy resulting in a psychological feedback loop wherein the cranial synapses fluctuate at a non-parallel counter-clockwise — WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT?!

No, not Kevin — erm — Kudo! I’m gonna miss his quirk I never fully understood and bland personality. Truly, My Hero Academia will never be the same without you.
Manga One Piece

They Might Be Giants [One Piece 1106]

The Mr. 0 and Miss All Sunday reunion we’ve all been waiting for.

♫ Let me tell you the story about the Buster Call that changed my destiny
Me and my Navy boys went out just to end up in misery
Was about to attack when there she was falling in front of me
And said, “Dad
Please help me and my friends survive
Let us go?
I wish he said, “No
Saturn’s glaring at me,”
But then I got blasted instead ♫

So much for the Buster Call. Not that it was much of a threat in the first place against the Straw Hats. It couldn’t stop them at Enies Lobby and it sure won’t two years later with them being stronger.

Jewelry Bonney has total control of the Kuma Pacifistas. Wow! Talk about a huge advantage…for now. And, look. Bonney now knows Luffy is the rumored Sun God Nika. What does that mean for their relationship? At the very least they’re friends for life. I’m still not sure if Bonney will join the Straw Hat Alliance or the Revolutionaries, but I seriously doubt this arc is the last we see of her.

The “Giant” Pirates? Pretty on the nose there. What? Was “Shouting Viking Bros” already taken?

Quick side note: Does Bonney have top priority over S-Bear? I could see her taking care of him going forward. But, that leaves the question of what happens to the other Seraphim. Hmm…

It’s the Giant Pirates! Talk about a surprise! And it looks like Dorry and Brogy are there for Luffy. Why? It’s gotta be for more than just helping. I assume whatever the reason is will lead the Straw Hats to Elbaf.

Manga My Hero Academia

Operation: Shigaraki Crackdown [My Hero Academia 413]

Psychological crack is wack, Y’all.

Shigaraki, after getting a taste of One For All, now wants more. But this OFA addict hasn’t realized Team Deku actually wants him to overdose on that good quirk stuff. That’s basically the plan. Kudou, the Second OFA User, wants to “throw” himself at Shigaraki’s mind space. Specifically, toward the mental crack in his hateful head. That could eventually lead to the crack opening enough for Shigaraki to have a glorified psychological meltdown. Weaponizing trauma, huh? Sounds like my ex-partner. Wait does that mean I was the Shigaraki in that relationship?

Star And Stripe: Beloved Hero and Certified Narc