Editorial Webcomics

Yumi’s Cells Handles Break-up Better Than Most Manga



Yumi’s Cells can just be a goofy series and still be better than a lot of comics but the creator, Dong-Gun Lee, really goes above and beyond my expectations.

The art has improved over the seasons, the story is still going strong over 200 chapters later. I’m almost insulted it isn’t printed in a magazine. It’s so much fun, so consistently good, I’m at a loss for words. Now, I can add one more thing to love about Yumi’s Cells, it handled a break-up very well.

Hipster Hotline Webcomics

Hipster Hotline: Bastard (webtoon)



N-no, not you. Bastard is a web-comic thriller about Jin Seon, a high school boy with a secret, he helps his father kill people. Jin doesn’t like being an accessory to murder but what can he do? He was hurt badly as a kid so his body’s weak. And, he’s not the most socially adept teenager in the world, though, he can fake it if he wants. In any case, Jin wants to stop his father from murdering people. But, death loving daddy is starting to realize Jin could become a threat to his psychotic tendencies. It’s a cat and mouse game where the loser doesn’t get a continue.

Bastard puts the thrill into thriller. The struggle between Jin and his dad slowly escalates throughout the series, never letting up. We see Jin’s desire for independence and discovering romantic love. Jin is actively trying to lead a normal life but dad is constantly in his way. Seems like every step he takes Jin falls back two and I love it. Jin’s dad holds all the cards and seeing him manipulate Jin and everyone around him is amazing and horrifying.

Hipster Hotline Webcomics

Hipster Hotline: Yumi’s Cells


Like Slice of life, romance, and humor? Read Yumi’s Cells.

Today’s recommendation is a webcomic on LINE Webtoon called Yumi’s Cells, created by Donggeon Lee.
Nothing apocalyptic here, just a great story about the day-to-day life of a woman named Yumi. The twist is we are able to see the world from the perspective of Yumi’s brain, her brain cells to be exact. Each cell wants Yumi to handle situations their way, leading to conflict or compromises, mostly conflict. Rational Cell, Emotional Cell, and Hunger Cell are only a few of the many cells in Yumi’s head fighting for at least some control.

I recommended Yumi’s Cells because it is engrossing. You care about Yumi and want the best for her. The cell interactions are fun and you really can relate to the feelings and situations she goes through. It can get crazy inside her head (we all been there) but the author does a great job slowly introducing all the main cells over time. I love that. And not just cells, the people in Yumi’s life are also revealed to the audience when they play a role in the story, building the series world one enjoyable piece at a time.

Yumi’s Cells is a treat, period. If you are even remotely curious, give it a shot. It’s a hidden gem that deserves to shine.